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- From: rogerw@tera.eng.sc.rolm.com (Roger M. Wilcox)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Re: Hill's UFO book, a BIG problem for skeptics
- Date: 18 Jun 1996 14:27:59 -0700
- Organization: ROLM - A Siemens Company
- Lines: 17
- Message-ID: <4q770v$t55@tera.eng.sc.rolm.com>
- References: <4ngjnt$33r@pentagon.io.com> <4oi5fj$e5j@csnews.cs.colorado.edu> <Pine.SOL.3.91c.960603131829.16302H-100000@cms5.cern.ch> <4p1qkc$oif@news-central.tiac.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: tera-nf.eng.sc.rolm.com
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:88325 alt.paranet.ufo:53729 sci.skeptic:72572
- In article <4p1qkc$oif@news-central.tiac.net>,
- Harry H Conover <conover@tiac.net> wrote:
- >
- > he'd be quick to point out that since quanta momentum is
- >inversely proportional to wavelength, a microwave quanta will have
- >approximatly 1/100,000,000 the momentum of a 20Kv or so x-ray.
- ^^^^
- (I think you mean "keV" there, not "Kv". I've never heard of a
- Kelvin-volt before. :-) )
- --
- rogerw@robadome.com (Roger M. Wilcox) - AKA - tracer@zoom.com (Jeff Boeing)
- -------------+---- I'm not flying fast, just orbiting low -------------------
- MSTie #38808 | http://www.zoom.com/personal/tracer: it's not just for
- I'm Sodium! | breakfast anymore